Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Week Report Here!

Hey good job everyone, we've worked through one week. If you have already weighed in for the week and you have your percentage click on "comments" below this post and leave your percentage lost there. Some people won't weigh in until Wednesday, so I won't have everyone's totals until then.  So below is how you calculate your percentage for the week:

(lbs lost)/(Weight of previous week)x100=Percentage lost

For Example:  If I weighed 200lbs the week before and I lost 5lbs  my percentage lost would be
5/200 x 100 = 2.500% (report to 3 decimal places for more accuracy)
 (note: so for the following week I would be using 195 (200-5) as my weight)

The thing good about this is it doesn't matter how bad you did the week before, everyone starts with a clean slate every week!  That also mean there is never a reason not to report your percentage.  The only way to not get points is if you don't report!  So if you did great and lost a ton or if you gained weight report it anyway!  The point is to keep us all motivated and ACCOUNTABLE.

Remember changing eating habits and lifestyles is not a one week process!  Don't worry if you didn't do so good this week, just keep plugging along.  As long as you make tiny improvements you will be doing great.  Long term sustainable weight loss rarely happens much faster than a pound or two a week, so if you only lost that you should be happy!


  1. 0.549 loss for Lynette, I'm doing Sunday to Sunday. I can't believe I'm a blogger now.

  2. Nice Lynette!! Even we don't get anything out of this at least we can say we got you to blog!

  3. Travis: 1.852 This week. The week before that I am not counting in this activity, but it was 4.93 I wish I could loose that every week and then in a couple of weeks I could go back to business as usual.

    Laura is weighing in tomorrow.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Ok, I lost 1.06% and that was hard...It is especially hard since Dawn is here this week tempting me!! Not really we almost got in a fight at Olive Garden. We had salad only with no bread sticks and no Croutons!!! When they brought the mint Dawn wouldn't let me have one. Anyway Dawn cannot weigh in until she returns home on Thursday night.

  6. Ok, a little late but I lost 2.5%. I think it's from not eating the mint at Olive Garden. I don't know how much Ry has lost...I forgot to ask when I got home. She did tell me that she can power clean 95 lbs. The teacher said she was a very strong girl....go gym class!
    Ry will post in the morning.

    P.S. I think I am going to change to Sunday to Sunday. I will be home on then.

  7. GREAT JOB Dawn. I'm waiting for Matt to post!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Keep waiting....he is trying very hard to kill what we are doing. I think he thinks he will die if he doesn't eat a potato at every meal.

  9. Ok, this week we changed to Sunday to Sunday. So, we really didn't lose that much because we just weighted on Thursday.

    Ry 1.16%
    Dawn 1.49%

    I can fit in to pants that I haven't been able to wear in a year....yes!!!
