Thursday, September 16, 2010

Spin it working?

So I know you have been wondering, "How do I know if spin class is working for me?" Well here are a few clues to help you know if spin class has been successful (in no particular order).

---you continually curse out the instructor (in your mind of course) and wonder 'what kind of crazy person actually enjoys this!'
---you no longer care where your massive sweatdroplets land (if they hit the towel....great)
---speaking of towels, you start debating about whether you should bring a bath towel next time (instead of the cute daintly little face towel)
---you find yourself wishing you could just sit down and ride for a while!
---your gluts, hamstrings, calfs, quads, forearms, biceps, neck, back, and of course your feet are screaming 'what are you doing to me!'

There you have it, just a few clues to let you know if your spin class has been effective.

PS Barbara I know you can't wait for your wound to heal so you can get back in that spin saddle again!!!! ;)

love you all!!!


  1. I must agree there is nothing like a good spin class. I look at the clock 5 min after class has started and think I have 55 more minutes!!!! And that is just during warm up. We haven't even started to climb hills yet, ugh!! I go back for more, I guess the endorphin rush is worth it:).

