Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Week 3 Report

So we are getting to the "I'm getting sick of this" phase, but remember don't worry if you haven't been perfect.  The idea is to change habits that we've had for a life time so regardless of how well or bad you've done DON'T QUIT!!!!

Monday, September 27, 2010

To Zumba or not to Zumba

I decided I needed to try something different for for my workout. They offered a new Zumba class at the gym. Totally excited, I signed up. I know I'm not the best dancer in the world but I didn't think I was that uncoordinated. Wrong! Doing the shimmying and shaking (and flapping for me) just makes things jiggle that I don't know I want jiggled. So I tried Zumba again willing to give it another try. Still uncoordinated, still flapping and still jiggling but it is fun (If I don't look at myself in the mirror as I'm doing it - that's just disturbing!).
So, is it Zumba or not? We'll see.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Week 1 breakdown/ Week 2 Report

Here are the first set of Standings. You can see how much competition there will be. If you find yourself at the bottom on the list don't worry, you always have next week!!

The only way to get 0 points is if you don't report.  Good first week everybody.  Now click on the comments to post your percentage for your second week!!

Sunday, September 19, 2010

I'm on.

I can finally Post! I am participating. It just took me a while to figure out how to sign up. Last week, I remained the same.

I also signed up at the gym to do the biggest loser groups again so we will see if that motivates me to exercise!

Friday, September 17, 2010


I want you to know I had 2 victories today. First one is that I ran for 15 min. straight for the first time!!! My personal best before was only 3 min. (I know that's sad). My other victory is that I went to the store and they had these cream cheese brownies that were to die for. My mouth was just salavating just looking at them. I picked them up to put in my cart and I said , "NO" (it was really out loud) and I put them back. I call these big VICTORIES!

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Spin it working?

So I know you have been wondering, "How do I know if spin class is working for me?" Well here are a few clues to help you know if spin class has been successful (in no particular order).

---you continually curse out the instructor (in your mind of course) and wonder 'what kind of crazy person actually enjoys this!'
---you no longer care where your massive sweatdroplets land (if they hit the towel....great)
---speaking of towels, you start debating about whether you should bring a bath towel next time (instead of the cute daintly little face towel)
---you find yourself wishing you could just sit down and ride for a while!
---your gluts, hamstrings, calfs, quads, forearms, biceps, neck, back, and of course your feet are screaming 'what are you doing to me!'

There you have it, just a few clues to let you know if your spin class has been effective.

PS Barbara I know you can't wait for your wound to heal so you can get back in that spin saddle again!!!! ;)

love you all!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

A Healthy Snack???

You know manufacturers are getting the idea that we consumers want more healthy choices when Hostess comes out with this


Don't forget to report first week's percentage!   Click here to Report! !

Monday, September 13, 2010

Elevated calcium levels anyone?

So I have this parathyroid problem which is resulting in high calcium levels (or maybe not). The doctors (and I mean plural) all want to know if any of my family has also experience with the high calcium levels.

I told them that Dad had 3 of the 4 parathyroids removed and they all thought that was very, very interesting. Of course they also think all his other problems were very interesting also.

So if any of you have the high calcium let me know. That would lead them to believe that we just normally have higher calcium levels than other people and that it isn't really anything to be concerned about and that the parathyroids are not malfunctioning. Apparently something about Vitamin D levels as well, but I'm so confused at this point I can only remember the calcium part!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

First Week Report Here!

Hey good job everyone, we've worked through one week. If you have already weighed in for the week and you have your percentage click on "comments" below this post and leave your percentage lost there. Some people won't weigh in until Wednesday, so I won't have everyone's totals until then.  So below is how you calculate your percentage for the week:

(lbs lost)/(Weight of previous week)x100=Percentage lost

For Example:  If I weighed 200lbs the week before and I lost 5lbs  my percentage lost would be
5/200 x 100 = 2.500% (report to 3 decimal places for more accuracy)
 (note: so for the following week I would be using 195 (200-5) as my weight)

The thing good about this is it doesn't matter how bad you did the week before, everyone starts with a clean slate every week!  That also mean there is never a reason not to report your percentage.  The only way to not get points is if you don't report!  So if you did great and lost a ton or if you gained weight report it anyway!  The point is to keep us all motivated and ACCOUNTABLE.

Remember changing eating habits and lifestyles is not a one week process!  Don't worry if you didn't do so good this week, just keep plugging along.  As long as you make tiny improvements you will be doing great.  Long term sustainable weight loss rarely happens much faster than a pound or two a week, so if you only lost that you should be happy!

Just Run!

Have you ever walked into the kitchen and the fridge just talks to you saying, "Open me, I have something you need to eat in here"? I need to wear ear plugs just to walk from my bedroom to the laundry room. I'm thinking of getting extra exercise by running through the kitchen and not lingering just in case the fridge or the cupboard has the siren call for the weak. Wish me luck to resist the call of the all powerful fridge!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

The Farr West Hess'

Travis and I went exercising at 5:30 this morning together. Trying to keep each other motivated. I just need not to eat back all the calories I burned by lunch!

Getting Started

To start things off right I decided to start cooking low carb. I have made a menu for 2 weeks and chose some pretty simple things to make so Ry can cook them when I am in Utah. I have also planed to double the recipe (most of the time depending on how many servings it makes.) and send the left overs with Matt for lunch. That way he doesn't have a choice on what he eats. There are no fast food places in Gooding. Parker and Makeny think I am going to starve them to death and have decided not to eat what I have been cooking. Dinner for them now consists of a P&J or a bowl of cereal. I hope that they will get tired of that and return to eating regular meals soon.
The kids finally went back to school on the 7th and Ry has a women's fitness class. She says the class is really fun and enjoys riding the bikes. She says that the coach makes you do all these different moves on the bike. She also says some of the moves frighten her because when she leans the bike moves or shakes. When she said that I had visions of being in the ER and Ry saying mom I was only doing what my coach said I didn't know the bike was going to tip over and crush my foot. Only time will tell and I hope that won't happen...
We have done our weigh in and are off to a good start. I couldn't go walking today because it was raining (hard). Does chasing the kids around the house count as exercise or fun?

Good luck to all catcha next week.

Dawn and Ry
Still working on Matt

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Keeping up

So there I was working hard on the eliptical when who arrives but a very large and muscular African American gentleman. Now this presented me with a challenge. I couldn't very well slow down, I had to keep up with him! So I kept the pace I was going (3 miles in 20 minutes) the entire 20 min (I walked to the gym..add another 10 min.). When I got off the elicptical and was cleaning it up the gentleman said, ' were really moving, I could barely keep up with you!' my reply "oh...I was trying to keep up with you!'

Moral of the story...there is competition in everything, and it's not always bad!! ;)

p.s. do I get some extra bonus point for being the first to post? ;)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Welcome to the Challenge!!

  right we are nearing our first weigh in on Wednesday September 8.  Remember use the same scale, weigh-in at the same time, and wear roughly the same clothing.  Below are some basic ground rules I propose.

   1.  Buy in (to enter the challenge) is $10 a person.
   2.  Points accrue depending on your weekly weigh in
 For example  If you come in first of 10 people you get 10 points,2nd = 9 points 3rd=8pts. . .

   3.  Weigh in's must be finished by every Wednesday, with the initial weigh-in starting Tuesday Sept 7th
   4.  Mom has the right to determine any additional prizes she wishes.
   5.  After the 6 months the entrance money will be split up accordingly, with the last person getting their money back as consolation.  
   6.  As part of the challenge everyone should take before pictures.
   7.  Remember this is bigger than just winning some money or being the best "loser" it is about changing habits and life styles!

Click on the Comments below and leave your ideas about the rules.