Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Maybe I am a marathoner!

So I got a pedometer the other day because we are doing a county wide weight loss activity challenge and our team is trying to cross Africa first! Anyway, I put the pedometer on and guess how many miles I had walked in one day....just at school....any guesses? yep..4 miles! Isn't that disgusting...back and forth to specials, lunch, recess, outside to we have a nice flight of stairs to climb! Add those 4 to the 3 I did before work and I had already walked 7 before 6pm.

So I guess when you add it all up it will take me just about 3.5-4 days to do a marathon! (of course I wouldn't be crazy enough to actually do all in one day...that's just insane!)

Love you all...keep better watch out because I am a member of team El Fluego and I am feeling the heat! Jill


  1. Pretty cool, I think I walk about .1 miles at work which consists of trips to the bathroom!

  2. Wow thats great. Where did you get the ped? is it expensive?

  3. Barb you can buy a pedometer anywhere(ok, not the dollar store! target, walmart, etc). They range from $5 to $100. Some measure only steps, others measure steps, distance, calories etc.
