Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Sluggish Days

So how many of you have noticed that one day at the gym you are like super woman or man? You are running 3 miles at a time and doing weights and find you have spent over an hour there and yet you still feel AMAZING!?!??!?!

Then a couple days later you are struggling to run/sometimes even walk a mile! Today was definitely one of those sluggish days. I can't explain it. I woke up right before my alarm went off at 4:57am, and yet felt totally alert and ready to go. I am thinking it must have been the rain that wore down my SUPER I walked from my car to the gym (it was only a drizzle though)!

Any thoughts? Research is always welcome!!!


  1. my sluggish day was today! Tuesday I was doing 8 mph sprints and today I could barely handle 3.5mph walking. I dont know why that is. I guess the point is not to let it get us discouraged becuase it really is the consistancy of the exercise that helps!

  2. 4:57 AM you go girl!!! I guess I should be able to get up at 6:30 then. No more excuses, oh but my warm cozy blanket in the morning!!
